About Course
Do you want to succeed? Everyone wants to succeed but not everyone knows or understands the path to achieving this yearning. Some know but haven’t gotten the courage enough to act on what they know and ended up not better than those that are ignorant in the first place. This course will take you from being ignorant of the sure path to success and also encourage you to take actions as appropriate with the templates and tools provided in the course.
The only thing you were assigned to do on earth. Do you know that you were not assigned to do more than one thing on earth? You will get to know the only thing you were assigned to do on earth. Every other thing fits in when you handle the only thing you were created to do on earth.
It is time to act. Time is a portion of eternity which means that we are assigned a portion of eternity to do what we were asked to do on earth. You will get more understanding of this and how to invest your time appropriately. You do not want to miss this part of the course.
What is success? What is the true measure of success? What is success and how can we measure how successful an individual is? What is the true yardstick for measuring success: wealth, position, affluence or what?
It is time to start your journey to success. In this course are resources that will help you start your journey to success and fulfilment. Put on your seat belt and let us go for a ride.
Course Content
18:56 -
Understanding Leadership